Welcome to Australian Disorders of the Corpus Callosum (AusDoCC).

We ROAR for all people with a disorder of the corpus callosum -

Recognition, Opportunities, Access and Resources



About Corpus Callosum Disorders (CCD). Hear it from the best in the world.
4 AusDoCC interviews with Brigid O'Connell.

*The Psychosocial:
Dr Lynn Paul https://youtu.be/BgKyWTpKY7A
*Sexuality and Relationships:
Dr Natasha Alexander https://youtu.be/2IclkUuNt0M
*The Psychology:
Dr Rhonda Booth https://youtu.be/0gtXKi-TQL8
*The Science:
Prof. Linda Richards https://youtu.be/GZjQYlYpAvs

29th February was Rare Disease Day.

We are happy to reveal our latest video, watch the video below or click here

Connections 2023


A Wonderful mixing of people and minds

for all things corpus callosum

AusDoCC Speaks Videos are in production including interviews with key professionals, kids/teens and adults with a CCD



International Corpus Callosum Awareness Day

The Corpus Callosum is in the middle of the brain. July 2 is the middle of the year. Voila!

On this day, we celebrate everything corpus callosum all around the globe..



Since April 11, 2012

We turned 10 in 2022 and are proud of all the achievements as a 100% volunteer operated organisation.

Please make donations here


International Corpus Callosum Awareness Day

The Corpus Callosum is in the middle of the brain. July 2 is the middle day of the year. Voila!

On this day, we celebrate everything corpus callosum all around the globe..

Please click here to see our 2022 AusDoCC Community slide show - 10 years in 10 minutes.


April 11, 2022 - Happy 10th birthday AusDoCC

We are proud of all our achievements as a 100% volunteer operated organisation.

Please make donations here


Current Corpus Callosum Research Projects


Quality of Life for adults with a corpus callosum disorder (CCD) - Individual interviews

Are you an adult with a CCD or do you know one? The study is part of a larger project to explore quality of life for Australian adults with a CCD and to find the most effective way for the community to communicate their needs to decision-makers.

CCDs are often unrecognised and not well supported in the adult community. 

Click here to learn more about the research project with adults.

Contact lead researcher, Maree Maxfield, if you would like to take part in an individual interview about your quality of life as an adult with a CCD. (m.maxfield@student.unimelb.edu.au)

University of Melbourne | Melbourne School of Population and Global Health | Centre for Health Equity


Receiving an ACC Diagnosis in Utero

The research study aims to explore the lived experiences of mothers whose unborn baby has a diagnosis of agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC).

The results will help the people who have not had this experience, gain an understanding of the things the mothers move through. These people outside the maternal experience may be clinicians, researchers, support organisations, families or friends.

Contact lead researcher - Pieta Shakes (p.shakes.10@student.scu.edu.au)

Southern Cross University


Longitudinal Study of Behavior and Development in Infants and Toddlers with ACC

This is the first study examining behavioral development in children with Agenesis / Dysgenesis of the Corpus Callosum (ACC) from birth into early childhood.

Our aim is to characterize/describe the behavior development of children with agenesis/dysgenesis of the corpus callosum. Ultimately, this understanding can be used to create more effective intervention techniques and supports for children and adults with ACC.

Click here to find out more about this study.

California Institute of Technology (Caltech) 


Meet your CCD mates in person


 Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide, Sydney AusDoCC Family meetups.

Watch this space


Click here to meet Edna, the fat tailed dunnart.


My People

In 2022, 25 adults with a CCD gathered from all corners of Australia and NZ for the 3rd My People conference, in Melbourne.


International corpus callosum community - say hello to our global friends


Look and Listen

Click here to view Professor Linda Richards explaining  corpus callosum disorders (CCD)

Click here to listen toThe Mysterious Corpus Callosum - All in the Mind, Radio National

Click here to see Australian adults with a CCD and parents talk about their experiences

Click here to view "That's how I Am." Australian kids and adults with a CCD talk about their experiences 

AusDoCC Info Day 2020 - Click here to view Clare Keogh, an adult with ACC.

Click here to meet Karina from Brisbane, Qld. Karina has ACC and loves her bicycle, ballet and bouncing.

Click here to meet Georgie, Bill & Connor, 3 adults with a CCD

Click here to meet Georgie from Bathurst, NSW. Georgie has ACC and a black belt in karate. She also enjoys bungee jumping.

Click here to view more videos and subscribe to the AusDoCC YouTube channel, AusDoCC Videos.

Stay safe everyone.

Contact AusDoCC info@ausdocc.org.au for more details and a registration link.


Congratulations to all Committee members from 2021/22 for re-election to continue in 2022/23. Awesome team.


Explaining ACC to your child's teacher. click here for a helpful resource 



TEN TOP TIPS for DCC - covering life stages from pregnancy to adulthood


2022 AusDoCC Donors

AusDoCC is a 100% Volunteer operated Not For Profit (NFP) organisation. We rely on donations, fundraising and sporadic grants to operate. All Committee members donate their time, expertise and energy. Please donate to help us help all families and individuals connected by a disorder of the corpus callosum. We appreciate  the generosity of all donors and particularly our major sponsors. 

Click here to donate

 Brain Sells Shop

Edna, our mascot, is a fat tailed dunnart and has no corpus callosum. Buy an Edna here

 Visit the AusDoCC shop https://www.ausdocc.org.au/shop to buy caps, tatts and much much more

NEW in the shop - T shirts. 3 styles. 2 colours. 11 sizes.


AusDoCC Vision

To ROAR for
ecognition, Opportunities, Access and Resources
for everyone with a disorder of the corpus callosum.

About AusDoCC and DCC


What is a disorder of the corpus callosum?

The corpus callosum is the major connection between the two hemispheres of the brain. A disorder of the corpus callosum (DCC) occurs when the corpus callosum, the major connecting structure between the two hemispheres of the brain, is partially or fully absent at birth. Disorders are often collectively referred to as ‘agenesis of the corpus callosum’ or ‘ACC.'

more information

Our Stories

When a child is diagnosed with a disorder of the corpus callosum (DCC) parents are often told to 'wait and see' as the impacts are many and varied and range from mild to severe. When an adult is diagnosed, it may explain a lifetime of medical puzzles.  All our stories are different. Through sharing our stories, we can see these differences and also the similarities.

read our stories

AusDoCC history

AusDoCC Inc. was created by a group of mothers of children with a disorder of the corpus callosum (DCC) in 2012. It has since expanded to include adults with a DCC, partners and grandparents. Through lived experience we aim to uphold our vision to ROAR for AusDoCC for Recognition, Opportunities, Access and Resources.

about AusDoCC

As a registered ACNC member, AusDoCC is privileged to display  The Registered Charity Tick, which is reflective of the ACNC's commitment to being a contemporary, friendly and engaging organisation. The coloured ribbons convey support, pride, spirit and unity.