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      Welcome to the newer group members and thanks for sticking with us to the older group members! This group was created to connect individuals, families and care givers affected by any variant condition under the umbrella term of Disorders of the Corpus Callosum and is monitored by the ausDoCC committee. It generally goes without saying - but it also needs to be said - to ensure this group remains a caring and supportive environment please continue to treat all other members with respect. Links to services, articles, blogs and other appropriate websites/ pages are more than accepted - they are welcomed. However please refrain from posting spam or business advertising (unless its DCC related). If anyone has any concerns over content - please contact one of the admin - And finally, the views expressed here are of individual and personal nature, please no copying and pasting to outside this group and please do not consider any posts to be individual medical or treatment advice - please always seek your own professional advice.
    • 1
    • 1
    • 11 years, 10 months ago
